Their main functions of the Membership Director are to plan, measure and improve membership through encouragement and motivation. They must also ensure members are maximising the benefit received from being a member of the Club.
- Keeps an up to date list of all members, potential members, and friends of Rotary including phone numbers, e-mail addresses, classification and spouse’s details via the website
- Assists the treasurer in collecting membership fees
- Sets annual membership targets and provides monthly reports on membership
- Works closely with the focus areas to develop plans to recruit members with specific skills to assist with planned projects
- Develops a process for engaging with potential members to understand their expectations and to ensure they understand the clubs culture and goals
- Develop a process for engaging with new members to understand their skills and interests and to ensure that they feel part of the club
- Resolve barriers to membership (eg. Financial – payment plans)
- Develop a scholarship program that targets young leaders
- Measure retention and develop plans to improve retention
- Assist in resolving any issues between members
- Monitoring diversity within the club and making plans for change if required
- Corresponding with potential members or replying to membership enquiries