Often women are the “quiet achievers” who inspire others and make a difference in their communities. The Rotary Club of Sydney Darling Harbour is proud to Host the 2019 Rotary Inspirational Women’s Awards, which aims to identify and recognise women who make a real difference, and best demonstrate the Rotary motto of “Service above Self”.
We’re confident you’ll find that the nominees represent the very best ideals of commitment, dedication, perseverance and pro-activity in improving the lives of others across NSW. Finalists have been selected in Rural and Urban categories, and across various age ranges.
Guest speakers will include Louisa Hope, a Survivor of Sydney’s Lindt Siege who will share thoughts and coping skills for averting what could have been a devastating future life and instead using her experiences to make a real difference.
To purchase your ticket, please visit https://events.humanitix.com.au/inspirational-women-s-awards-2019
Your ticket purchase and proceeds from this event will support an Australian Rotary Health Scholarship for a young female GP by assisting with expenses during her 12 month placement in a Rural GP practice. Rotary does not retain monies for administration costs. Tickets are non-refundable.