Guest Speaker – Ben MacNevin – Quarter Life Academy
Ben MacNevin is a career coach with Quarter Life Academy. He is passionate about helping young adults set themselves up for the rest of their lives. Ben had two dreams when he finished school – to be a fund manager and to run his own business. Ben lived his first dream after university by working in a $1 billion equities fund as an investment analyst and the Head of Operations. He is now living his second dream by helping professionals understand that amazing results can be achieved in their careers by Gaining Clarity and Taking Action.
Club Meeting Details:
The Rotary Club of Sydney Darling is an active and an effective community service group, with a broad array of projects on the go. We support women’s homeless shelters, we plant trees, we organise fundraisers and much, much more. We have members from all walks of life and are always ready to try our hand at something new.
Like any Rotary Club, our members are our most valuable asset. Their passion, skills and service are the only reasons we’re able to make the changes in the world that we can. We would love to have you amongst us and to work on things you care about.
We’d be delighted to add any project you’d like to raise to our list, and to show how the global Rotary network can help make you a part of making the world a better place.
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