Rotary Darling Harbour Changeover


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The Rotary Club of Sydney Darling Harbour is changing over, and using the opportunity to bask in the past year’s accomplishments under President Rae-Anne, and prepare for the year ahead with President Ron.

The event is at the City Tattersalls Club 194-204 Pitt Street Sydney, 6.15 for 6.30 pm.

The cost is $55 per head for a 2 course dinner with a cash bar, with tea and coffee.

To book please deposit to the Club’s bank account which is

BSB – 032003
Account Number – 335443
Account Name – The Rotary Club of Sydney Darling Harbour

Please provide your name in the reference and also send an email to Lynne ( with the names of you and your guests.

For any questions or for more information, please email Lynne at


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