Ending Polio is a long-standing goal of Rotary International. Through vaccines, education and collaborating with international governments and aid agencies, Rotary has helped see Polio go from a rampant and destructive force just a few decades ago, to a virus that is 99.9% eliminated, with just two cases being reported in the past year. However, though we’re almost finished, until Polio is entirely eliminated it can come back and erase all the progress we’ve made thus far.
PDG Bob Aitken, RI End Polio Now Coordinator is forming the Clem Renouf End Polio Now Club. Named after Past RI President Clem Renouf (An Australian who first steered Rotary towards eradicating Polio), the initiative would see Clubs aiming to have EVERY member donate just $10 to Rotary’s Polio fund to mark World Polio Day in 2021/22. Statistics show that only 10% of Rotarians make a personal donation to End Polio Now each year, with this initiative therefore representing a potential hugely significant windfall.
We’ll be pushing this initiative hard in the Darlings, and making it as easy as possible to get involved. To minimise transactions cost, we’ll encouraging members to transfer their donation to the Darlings, which will then be passed on to The Rotary Foundation with us providing them your details. You’ll then be issued with a receipt, with all donations being tax deductible.
To get involved, please email info@rotarydarlingharbour.org.au for details on how to make the transfer.